Labyrinth Facilitator

Facilitated labyrinth events can deepen your experience and understanding of labyrinths. Walking in community offers a different experience and insights to walking solo.  Labyrinths are a meditative tool that allow for inner exploration and reflection. You can use the practice of working with labyrinths to notice an openness to any thoughts, sensations or feelings that may arise. You may also start a labyrinth with a specific question and observe any emerging responses from within. For some, labyrinths tap into the more intuitive aspect of our minds. Some people enjoy labyrinths as a walking meditation to slow down, relax, be mindful and present. 

Events presented may be:  

  • public group labyrinth walks
  • online handheld labyrinth walks
  • arts based creative explorations

Life Spirals values inclusion. If events that are walking public space labyrinths that are not mobility aid accessible, there are options to use a handheld labyrinth which you can use seated or standing (sometimes also referred to as a handheld or finger labyrinth, where the walk is done with your hands or eye tracking).

Tash is a certified Veriditas  labyrinth facilitator.

This video gives wonderful insight into walking a labyrinth. Walking into Stillness: Encountering the Labyrinth was created by Brian Capener at the labyrinth at Grace Episcopal Church (St. Helena, California, United States).


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